How long should baby naps be?

As a new parent, you might be wondering how long your baby's naps should be. And you're not alone - it's a common question!

The good news is that there are some general guidelines you can follow.

Most babies need between 12 and 16 hours of sleep in a 24-hour period. This means that they'll usually take 2 or 3 naps during the day, in addition to sleeping at night.

How long should baby naps be?

You've probably heard all sorts of advice about how long your baby's nap should be. Some well-meaning friends or family members might tell you that your baby needs to sleep for at least two hours at a time, while others may say that an hour is plenty.

So what's the truth? Unfortunately, there is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. The length of your baby's nap will depend on a number of factors, including their age, sleeping habits, and activity level.

However, most experts agree that it's best to aim for a nap that lasts between 45 minutes and two hours.

But by the time they're 6 months old, most babies can stay awake for 2 to 3 hours between naps.

If your baby consistently sleeps for shorter or longer periods of time, it's likely that they are not getting the quality rest they need. If you're concerned about your baby's sleep habits, talk to your pediatrician for guidance.

Establish a healthy bedtime routine.

One of the best ways to help your little one, and yourself, get a good night’s sleep is to establish a bedtime routine. Having a newborn baby is an amazing time, but it can also be exhausting.

Here are a few things you can do to help your baby take naps during the day:

  • Put them on a regular sleep schedule. This means establishing set times for when your baby will sleep, both at night and during the day.

  • Create a calm and relaxing environment for naps. This means making sure the room is dark and quiet, and that there aren't any distractions that could wake your baby up.

  • Consider using a sleep tracker app to help you keep track of your baby's sleep patterns.

  • Use baby sleep apps like Shhh | Baby Sleep App which uses white noise, brown noise, womb sounds, lullabies, and nature sounds to help your baby relax before sleeping.

It’s never too early to start, so even if your baby is just a few weeks old, you can begin to establish a bedtime routine. A simple bedtime routine might include a bath, followed by some quiet time reading or cuddling, then off to bed. You can adjust the details as your baby grows and his or her sleep needs change.

There are a few things to keep in mind as you create your baby’s bedtime routine.

  • First, try to keep things calm and relaxed; avoid stimulating activities like watching television or playing active games.

  • Second, be consistent; aim to do the same things in the same order every evening. And finally, be patient; it may take a little while for your baby to get used to the new routine, but stick with it and it will become second nature before you know it.

Why are naps so important for a baby's early brain development?

Naps play an important role in a baby's early brain development. When babies sleep, their brains are able to process and store new information from the day. This helps them learn and remember new things.

So, if you're wondering how long your baby's naps should be, the answer is that it depends on their age. But in general, naps are important for a baby's early brain development and should be encouraged.

The power of sleep apps.

Using a baby sleep app can be a valuable tool in helping you to create a bedtime routine that works for your baby. Second, consider using lullabies or relaxing nature sounds to help soothe your baby to sleep. These can be a great way to create a calm and peaceful environment for your baby at bedtime.

Lastly, make sure to keep a consistent bedtime routine for your baby. This will help your baby to understand when it's time to go to sleep and ultimately help them to get the rest they need. Your baby and you will appreciate it.

If you're struggling to get your baby to take naps during the day, know that you're not alone. Many parents go through this same challenge. But by following these tips, you can help your baby get the sleep they need to thrive.

This post was brought to you by the Shhh | Baby Sleep App. Download our app and learn more about how our app can help your baby sleep through the night.

Try Shhh | Baby Sleep App

Sleep is the most important part of your baby's day, and you need some rest yourself. Shhh helps babies in all stages; infants, newborns, and toddlers sleep faster with relaxing baby sleep sounds. All baby sleep sounds are designed to be gentle on little ears, so your baby doesn't keep waking up again, again and again. So you can enjoy the peace of quiet yourself.

Access to all sleep sounds, designed to help babies sleep faster. 40+ high-quality sounds, 6 relaxing categories of soothing sleep sounds, and lullabies. Find the perfect sleep sound for your baby. Comforting sounds of a mother’s womb, white noise, lullabies, brown noise, nature sounds, and even a vacuum cleaner.


5 tips on how to create a healthy bedtime routine for newborn babies.


How much sleep does my newborn baby need?