How much sleep does my newborn baby need?

The development of a person's brain and body is greatest during their early childhood years.

The need for sleep in this period can be particularly intense because it influences everything from moods to behavior patterns, which will continue developing through adolescence into adulthood.

Sleep and nutrition also allow a baby to develop physically, grow bigger and acquire better motor skills.

How much sleep do babies need?

The National Institutes of Health recommend that newborns sleep about 14 to 17 hours every day. To keep these little ones well-nourished, their sleeping periods are usually broken up into shorter naps lasting 30 minutes or less each time they wake up for food.

As your baby grows, he or she will gradually start sleeping for longer stretches at a time. By around 6 months old, most babies are able to sleep through the night.

  • Babies (birth to 4 months) - 14-17 hours. 

  • Infants (4 to 12 months old) - 12-15 hours. 

  • Toddlers (1 to 2 years old) - 11-14 hours. 

  • Young Children (3 to 5 years old) - 10-13 hours. 

Newborns (birth to 4 months) 12-17 hours a day.

Newborn babies need a lot of sleep. In fact, they usually sleep for 16 to 18 hours each day. However, this sleep is not always continuous. Newborns typically have several shorter periods of sleep during the day and night.

Newborns may sleep 17 hours a day, but as they grow older their sleeping patterns will change. By 3-4 months old, the average baby only naps for 2 to 3-hour stretches during the course of an afternoon nap time can last up until 10 pm or later.

It’s perfectly normal if your newborn wakes you at night - he needs extra attention from people who love him because these waking moments indicate that something important is happening inside his little body: the development of complex things like speech faculty; muscle strength, etc.

That’s right, babies need to learn when it is time for them to get some shuteye. If you always put your baby in their crib and they never wake up at night or during daytime naps then eventually this will become the place where all grown-ups go because that's just how life works.

This may not work right away but with patience, our children come around full circle: sleeping well by themselves without any help from mommy or daddy anymore.

Take short naps.

Nap time is an important part of your baby’s day. Make sure you take advantage by giving them some well-earned rest while they are still little. Trust yourself and what feels right - when it comes to caring for their needs, don't be afraid to go with the flow.

Naps should vary as much from one another as possible; sometimes babies may even take two naps in a row if there's nothing else going on that day or week (something about needing more sleep).

The best way to know when your baby needs sleep is by their cues. Trust them and give them time in bed, they will let you know if it’s okay for longer naps or shorter ones. A diary may be helpful as well because then we can recognize how often certain things happen during each day of our little one's life - like having nightmares after being woken up from those scary dreams."

Infants (4 to 12 months) 12-16 hours a day.

Your baby is going through a major sleep change at around this age. By 4 months, most infants need at least three naps per day; one in the morning afternoon, and early evening.

Infants aged 4-11 months should get 12 to 16 hours of sleep every day, according to the NSF. It's normal for them to be able to take 3 or 4 short naps during this time period as well.

Nap time is about to get a lot more interesting. Your baby seems like they are finally getting the hang of sleeping, which means that your need for napping may change as well.

Some babies take very short 20-minute naps while others sleep for 3 or 4 hours at their longest slumber session in a while - but there’s no rush when it comes down to deciding how long you want them awake per day, and thus nap.

Why are naps important?

Nap time for babies is an important part of their day. When they nap, it helps them to consolidate memories and learn new skills that will be needed when life gets more complicated later on down the road.

Napping allows infants' brain cells to grow stronger so children can handle anything thrown at them without feeling tired or overwhelmed.

Try Shhh | Baby Sleep App

Sleep is the most important part of your baby's day, and you need some rest yourself. Shhh helps babies in all stages; infants, newborns, and toddlers sleep faster with relaxing baby sleep sounds. All baby sleep sounds are designed to be gentle on little ears, so your baby doesn't keep waking up again, again and again. So you can enjoy the peace of quiet yourself.

Access to all sleep sounds, designed to help babies sleep faster. 40+ high-quality sounds, 6 relaxing categories of soothing sleep sounds, and lullabies. Find the perfect sleep sound for your baby. Comforting sounds of a mother’s womb, white noise, lullabies, brown noise, nature sounds, and even a vacuum cleaner.


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