Why babies wake up at night and how to help.

Any parent of a young baby knows the drill all too well - just when you think you've finally gotten your little one down for the night, they wake up crying. It can be frustrating, tiring, and leave you wondering what you're doing wrong.

But the truth is, there's probably nothing you're doing wrong. Most babies wake up at night for a variety of reasons, the most common being that their brain waves are shifting and changing cycles. There is no evidence that crying it out causes long-term damage to babies, though parents can reduce the number of times a baby wakes up at night by taking turns and being consistent with infant care.

Developmental milestones, teething, behavioral changes, infection, and pacifiers/bottles can all cause infants to wake up during the night.

Just relax, it will work out in the end.
The good news is that there are things parents can do to help their baby (and themselves) get a better night's sleep.

Here are some tips for handling night waking for your newborn baby :

  • Establish a bedtime routine and stick to it as much as possible. A bath, followed by a massage with lotion, reading a book, and singing a lullaby can help soothe your baby and let them know it's time to sleep.

  • Put your baby to bed drowsy but awake so they learn to fall asleep on their own.

  • Keep the room dark and quiet - use blackout curtains or an eye mask if necessary.

  • If your baby is older than 6 months and still waking up during the night, try gradually lengthening the amount of time between feedings so they're not hungry in the middle of the night.

  • If teething is causing your baby discomfort, give them something cold to chew on like a frozen washcloth or teething ring.

  • If your baby is older than 6 months and still waking up multiple times per night, talk to your pediatrician about possible solutions like behavior modification or sleep training.

All newborns need is sleep and they need a lot of it, however they usually wake up several times a night. They wake up frequently to eat because they have small stomachs and immature digestive systems. Babies also need to be burped often.

In addition, newborns have small bladders which cause them to urinate frequently and they have trouble regulating their own body temperature. These are just some of the many reasons why newborns often wake up during the night. However, even though they may wake up frequently, it is important for them to get as much sleep as possible so that they can grow and develop properly.


Waking up in the middle of the night is common for young babies - but that doesn't make it any less frustrating for parents. The good news is that there are things you can do to help your baby (and yourself) get a better night's sleep.

  • Most babies wake up at night due to their brain waves shifting and changing cycles.

  • There is no evidence that crying it out causes long-term damage to babies.

  • Parents can reduce the number of times a baby wakes up at night by taking turns and being consistent with infant care.

  • Developmental milestones, teething, behavioral changes, infection, and pacifiers/bottles can all cause infants to wake up during the night.

Establishing a bedtime routine, putting your baby to bed drowsy but awake, keeping the room dark and quiet, and gradually lengthening feedings are all helpful tips. If teething is causing discomfort, give your baby something cold to chew on. And if behavior modification or sleep training might be necessary, talk to your pediatrician. Sweet dreams.

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The top reasons babies wake up at night, and what you can do about it.


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