10 natural reasons why babies wake up at night.

Newborns need a lot of sleep, but unfortunately, they often wake up several times during the night.

There are many reasons for this including needing to eat frequently, having small stomachs, immature digestive systems, and needing to be burped often. newborns also have small bladders which lead to them needing to urinate frequently and they have trouble regulating their own body temperature.

In addition, newborns are used to being in a tight space and can often feel restless or unsettled when they are not.

Finally, newborns are easily stimulated and can be awoken by noise, light, or movement. All of these things can lead to newborns waking up at night.

Here are 10 natural reasons why babies wake up at night.

  • 1. Newborns need to eat frequently.
    Newborns wake up at night because they are hungry and need to be fed.

  • 2. Sleep cycles are shorter for babies.
    Babies go through sleep cycles that are shorter than adults, so they wake up more often during the night.

  • 3. Environmental stimuli can cause baby to wake up.
    Things like noise, light, and temperature can cause baby to wake up and disrupt their sleep.

  • 4. Babies are not yet able to self-soothe.
    If baby is upset or in pain, they will not be able to soothe themselves back to sleep and will need help from a parent or caregiver.

  • 5. Growth spurts can lead to wakefulness.
    As baby grows and develops, they may go through growth spurts that lead to increased wakefulness at night.

  • 6. Illness can cause baby to wake up.
    If baby is sick or in pain, they may wake up more often during the night.

  • 7. Teething can cause discomfort and lead to wakefulness.
    When baby is teething, they may experience discomfort that can lead to wakefulness at night.

  • 8. Nightmares can cause baby to wake up screaming.
    Baby may have nightmares that cause them to wake up screaming or crying.

  • 9. Separation anxiety can cause baby to wake up crying.
    If baby is separated from their parent or caregiver, they may experience separation anxiety that can cause them to wake up crying.

  • 10. Sleep training can lead to baby waking up at night.
    If baby is being sleep trained, they may cry or fuss at night as they learn to self-soothe and fall back asleep on their own.


While it can be frustrating for new parents to deal with a newborn who is waking up several times during the night, it is important to remember that this is just a phase and it will eventually end. newborns simply need time to adjust to their new environment and learn how to sleep through the night.

In the meantime, try to get as much sleep as possible when your newborn is sleeping, and don't hesitate to ask for help from family, friends, or your doctor.

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The top reasons babies wake up at night, and what you can do about it.