How brown noise can help your baby sleep better.

Do you have a newborn or baby at home? If so, you know that getting them to sleep can be a challenge. Brown noise is a great way to help them relax and fall asleep.

In this blog post, we will discuss the benefits of brown noise for babies, and provide some tips on how to use it to help your little one get the rest they need!

Most of us are familiar with white noise, which is a sound that is evenly distributed across all frequencies. Brown noise is similar, but it has more low-frequency components than white noise. This makes it sound more like rushing water, a big waterfall, or a thunderstorm.

Brown noise can be very helpful in masking other sounds that might wake a baby up, such as traffic noise, door slamming, or dogs barking. It can also help to soothe a fussy baby, and lull them to sleep.

But what is brown noise?

Brown noise is a specific mix of many sound frequencies that is deeper and lower in pitch than white noise. It's often described as being similar to the soothing sound of a rushing waterfall or heavy rainfall. You can call it mother natures own sleep machine. Have a listen here.

Brown noise vs. white noise.

Brown noise, a low, rumbly sound reminiscent of ocean waves or a thunderstorm, has been found to have a calming effect on babies. It's important to note the difference between brown and white noise - while both are commonly used for soothing infants, white noise is more of a pure tone and can actually be too stimulating for babies.

While white noise can sometimes have a jarring, high-pitched quality, brown noise has a calming effect. This makes it popular for helping people fall asleep, especially babies and young children.

Brown noise can also provide relief for those with certain types of sensory processing issues, such as those on the autism spectrum. In fact, some parents even use brown noise apps in their children's rooms as an alternative to traditional white noise devices.

Brown noise may not be as well-known as its lighter counterpart, but it certainly offers its own unique advantages when it comes to relaxation and better sleep.

In short, brown noise is a type of sound that is similar to white noise, but with a deeper and more calming tone.

Brown noise, on the other hand, has subtle variations in frequency that make it sound more natural and soothing. The effect is similar to being in the womb, where babies heard consistent background noises such as their mother's heartbeat and digestive system.

Playing brown noise while they sleep can help babies sleep longer and deeper, leading to better overall rest for both baby and parents. So next time you're searching for baby sleep sounds, consider trying brown noise for a truly peaceful slumber.

A good idea to experiment with different sounds until you find one that your baby responds well to.


Why white noise helps your baby sleep better.