10 Expert Tips for Getting Your Newborn to Sleep Through the Night

As a new parent, you know how exhausting and overwhelming sleep (or lack thereof) can be.

Here are 10 tips to how to survive as a new parent.

  1. Establish a consistent bedtime routine

  2. Create a sleep-conducive environment

  3. Swaddle your newborn

  4. Use white noise or calming sounds

  5. Use a pacifier or soothe to comfort your newborn

  6. Avoid overstimulating your newborn before bedtime

  7. Try the "sleep wave" technique

  8. Consider using a baby sleep app

  9. Don't be afraid to ask for help

  10. Get help from a professional

We've all been there - adjusting to a baby's schedule that hinges on the day-night cycle rather than our own normal one. You are probably asking yourself if your newborn will ever become easier to adjust to better sleeping habits through the night.

The good news is that it doesn't have to be as overwhelming or daunting: with these 10 expert tips, you can learn what works best for you and your infant while ensuring they get quality rest every night!

The importance of sleep for newborns

Sleep plays a pivotal role in the life of any newborn. Getting enough sleep is not just important for their physical health, but it has positive effects on their mental development and resilience as well. Research has shown that deep, restful sleep helps to regulate hormones, stimulate brain regions associated with learning, memory, and response to stress, create new neural pathways, and so much more.

If your newborn isn’t sleeping well at night or during naps, don't be afraid to seek help from a doctor or lactation consultant to help find strategies that can improve sleep habits for everyone - a good night's rest will surely benefit both you and your baby!

The challenges of getting a newborn to sleep through the night

Adjusting to life with a new baby can be incredibly exciting but exhausting at the same time. It might feel like you'll never get back to a good sleeping pattern and this is completely normal. Newborns need to adjust to their newfound world, which includes learning how to fall asleep on their own at night. Though the challenge of getting your newborn to sleep through the night may seem daunting, there are ways that you can try that may help.

Setting up a bedtime routine, swaddling your infant before putting them down, and calming any associated anxieties can help you and your little one stay on a more regular schedule as they learn how to more easily settle into slumber. Take it slow, listen to your baby's cues, and know that this big adjustment will not last forever.

Tip 1: Establish a consistent bedtime routine

The benefits of a bedtime routine for newborns

Establishing a bedtime routine can be highly beneficial for newborns. Studies have demonstrated that consistency in creating a comforting pre-sleep environment and having predictable behaviors before going to sleep can support the development of better sleep habits over time.

For example, something as simple as dimming the lighting in a nursery or introducing quiet activities such as reading into a child's daily routine prior to sleep can teach children how to transition more easily from one state of activity to another, promoting healthy development and habits. In addition, bedtime routines can provide an opportunity for caregivers to bond with their infant and build trust between the two which is vital for social and emotional growth.

How to create a bedtime routine for your newborn

Establishing a consistent nighttime routine for your infant is a beneficial way to encourage healthy sleep habits. Start by creating an atmosphere that will help your baby to relax, such as dimming the lights and lowering the noise in the room. Designate peaceful activities for before bedtime, such as feeding, reading stories, playing with toys, or hearing calming music.

Avoid any stimulating activities or games that could invigorate your baby’s energy. As she becomes adjusted to the new schedule, gradually push bedtime earlier to ensure she receives enough sleep each night. A healthy bedtime routine encourages sufficient and restful sleep, which helps set up necessary patterns for successful future growth and development.

Tip 2: Create a sleep-conducive environment

The role of temperature, lighting, and noise in baby sleep

In order to create a sleep-conducive environment for a newborn baby, it is important to consider the role of temperature, lighting, and noise. Newborn babies tend to sleep better in rooms that are kept on the cooler side. The ideal room temperature for a newborn should be around 68 - 72 degrees Fahrenheit. Additionally, dim lighting can help your newborn soothe and adjust more easily as darkness helps signal their body to produce melatonin and relax.

Lastly, white noise machines or low volumes of soft music are also effective when trying to establish sleep cycles in newborns; because babies are used to the muffled sounds they heard while they were developing in the womb.

How to create a comfortable and safe sleep environment for your newborn

Creating a comfortable and safe sleep environment for your newborn baby is essential for their well-being. It should be cool, but not too cold, and moderately humid. The room should also be well-ventilated to prevent air stagnation. In addition, ensure that the crib or bassinet is placed away from any sources of heat such as radiators and windows, potential fire hazards including any exposed wires or plugs, and also out of direct sunlight.

Make sure that the mattress is firm and flat, covered with an age-appropriate fitted sheet. Consider adding some comforting elements such as sound machines, nightlights or even a small pillow and lightweight comforter set for comfort. Finally, implementing these safe practices can create a warm and secure sleep space for your baby.

Tip 3: Swaddle your newborn

The benefits of swaddling for newborn sleep

Swaddling is an age-old practice that has been used for centuries to support healthy, safe sleeping practices for newborns. Studies have proven swaddling to be effective in improving sleep, decreasing the frequency of arousal and providing babies with feeling of security, warmth and comfort. In addition, studies suggest that the act of swaddling evokes a response similar to being in the womb, which can soothe babies and help parents create a sense of normalcy when introducing new sleep routines.

Studies further note that swaddle blankets help reduce sudden limb movements during sleep as well as startle reflexes which may disturb infant sleep patterns. As such, swaddling can be an instrumental tool in developing beneficial sleeping habits for newborns.

How to correctly swaddle your newborn

To correctly swaddle your newborn, begin by laying out the material evenly on a flat surface. Ensure there are no wrinkles and that the fabric is of the appropriate length according to your baby's size. Fold the top of the material down, slightly covering their shoulders, then wrap one side across their body. Be sure to leave some space around their neck though, so they can move their head and remain comfortable. Once you have finished wrapping one side, bring the other side and tuck it securely beneath their first layer of fabric.

To ensure all pieces are secure, use a secure knot or band at the end of the fabric closest to their feet. Lastly, handle gently and frequently check to make sure there is adequate airflow and not too much heat being generated. With these steps followed carefully, you can confidently swaddle your newborn for added comfort and security through the night.

Tip 4: Use white noise or calming sounds

The science behind white noise and calming sounds for baby sleep

White noise and calming sounds can be incredibly effective at helping babies and newborns fall asleep. This is because these types of sounds mimic the noises that babies hear in the womb, which can be comforting and soothing for them. In addition, white noise and calming sounds can help mask other household noises that may be disruptive to sleep, such as the sound of footsteps or the television.

Research has shown that white noise can be particularly effective at helping babies and newborns sleep, as it can help regulate their sleep-wake cycles and improve the quality of their sleep. White noise can also help reduce the number of awakenings that babies experience during the night, leading to longer stretches of sleep.

Calming sounds, such as nature sounds or soft music, can also be helpful in promoting sleep in babies and newborns. These types of sounds can help create a relaxing atmosphere and can be particularly useful for helping babies and newborns fall back asleep if they wake up during the night.

Overall, the use of white noise and calming sounds can be a simple and effective way to improve sleep for babies and newborns. It's important to keep in mind, however, that each baby is different and what works for one may not work for another. It may take some trial and error to find the right combination of sounds that work for your baby.

How to use white noise or calming sounds to help your newborn sleep

Using white noise or calming sounds to help your newborn sleep can be a simple and effective way to promote sleep and improve the overall quality of your baby's sleep. Here are a few tips for using these sounds to help your newborn sleep:

  1. Start using the sounds during the day: Introduce your newborn to white noise or calming sounds during the day, so they become familiar with the sounds and associate them with sleep.

  2. Use the sounds consistently: Consistency is key when it comes to helping your newborn sleep. Use the sounds every night at bedtime, and consider using a white noise machine or app to make it easy to play the sounds throughout the night.

  3. Experiment with different sounds and volumes: Different babies may respond better to different types of sounds and volumes. Try a few different options to see what works best for your newborn.

  4. Use the sounds as part of a bedtime routine: Incorporate the use of white noise or calming sounds as part of a bedtime routine, along with other sleep-promoting activities such as a warm bath or a massage.

  5. Gradually decrease the volume: As your newborn gets older and becomes more accustomed to the sounds, you can gradually decrease the volume to see if they are still able to sleep through the night without the noise.

Remember to always use white noise or calming sounds safely and at a volume that is appropriate for your newborn. If you have any concerns about the use of these sounds, it's always a good idea to consult with your pediatrician.

Tip 5: Use a pacifier or soothe to comfort your newborn

The benefits of pacifiers and soothing techniques for newborn sleep

Pacifiers and soothing techniques can be helpful in promoting sleep in newborns and helping them fall back asleep if they wake up during the night. Here are a few benefits of using pacifiers and soothing techniques for newborn sleep:

  1. Sucking is soothing: Sucking is a natural calming reflex for newborns, and using a pacifier can help provide this soothing sensation.

  2. Pacifiers can help reduce the risk of SIDS: Studies have shown that using a pacifier during sleep can help reduce the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).

  3. Soothing techniques can help calm a fussy newborn: Techniques such as rocking, patting, or singing to your newborn can help calm them and promote sleep.

  4. Pacifiers and soothing techniques can help your newborn fall back asleep if they wake up during the night: If your newborn wakes up during the night and is having difficulty falling back asleep, using a pacifier or implementing a soothing technique can be helpful in getting them back to sleep.

It's important to keep in mind that every baby is different and what works for one may not work for another. It may take some trial and error to find the right combination of pacifiers and soothing techniques that work for your newborn.

How to safely use a pacifier or soothe your newborn

If you're a new parent with a newborn baby, you may be wondering how to safely use a pacifier or soothe your newborn. Here are a few tips to keep in mind:

  1. Wait until breastfeeding is established: If you're breastfeeding your newborn, it's important to wait until breastfeeding is established before introducing a pacifier. This usually takes about 3-4 weeks.

  2. Choose a pacifier that is appropriate for your newborn: Look for a pacifier that is made specifically for newborns, as these are often smaller and more comfortable for newborns to use.

  3. Check the pacifier frequently: Make sure to check the pacifier frequently to ensure that it is clean and in good condition. Replace the pacifier if it becomes dirty or damaged.

  4. Don't force your newborn to use a pacifier: If your newborn doesn't seem interested in using a pacifier, don't force them to use it. It's important to respect your newborn's preferences.

  5. Be mindful of the soothing techniques you use: If you're using soothing techniques such as rocking or patting to calm your newborn, be mindful of how you're holding your newborn and make sure they are secure and comfortable.

Tip 6: Avoid overstimulating your newborn before bedtime

The effects of overstimulation on newborn sleep

You may be wondering about the effects of overstimulation on newborn sleep. It's important to understand that newborns have delicate nervous systems and can become easily overstimulated, which can affect their sleep. Here are a few ways that overstimulation can impact newborn sleep:

  1. Difficulty falling asleep: If your newborn is overstimulated, they may have difficulty falling asleep. This is because their brains are still developing and they may have difficulty regulating their sleep-wake cycles.

  2. Shorter sleep periods: Overstimulation can lead to shorter sleep periods for newborns, as they may wake up more frequently during the night.

  3. Reduced quality of sleep: Overstimulation can also lead to a reduction in the quality of sleep for newborns. They may experience more restless sleep and may have difficulty entering into deep, restorative sleep.

To help avoid overstimulation and promote healthy sleep for your newborn, it's important to create a calm and peaceful environment for them to sleep in. Avoid loud noises or bright lights, and try to keep the environment as quiet and dark as possible. It's also a good idea to limit the amount of stimulation your newborn receives before bedtime and to establish a consistent bedtime routine.

Tips for avoiding overstimulation before bedtime

You may be wondering how to avoid overstimulation before bedtime. Overstimulation can have a negative impact on your newborn's sleep, so it's important to create a calm and peaceful environment for them to sleep in. Here are a few tips for avoiding overstimulation before bedtime:

  1. Establish a consistent bedtime routine: Having a consistent bedtime routine can help signal to your newborn that it's time to wind down and sleep. This might include activities such as a warm bath, a massage, or reading a bedtime story.

  2. Avoid loud noises and bright lights: Try to keep the environment as quiet and dark as possible before bedtime. This can help your newborn relax and prepare for sleep.

  3. Limit screen time: Avoid exposing your newborn to screens (such as TVs, phones, or tablets) for at least an hour before bedtime. The blue light emitted by screens can interfere with the production of the sleep hormone melatonin.

  4. Keep the environment cool: A cool, comfortable environment can help your newborn sleep better. Keep the room temperature between 68-72 degrees Fahrenheit.

  5. Be mindful of stimulation during the day: Try to limit the amount of stimulation your newborn receives during the day, as this can help them be more ready for sleep at bedtime.

Remember, every baby is different and what works for one may not work for another. It's important to pay attention to your newborn's cues and be flexible in your approach to bedtime.

Tip 7: Try the "sleep wave" technique

How to use the "sleep wave" technique to help your newborn sleep

As a new parent with a newborn baby, you may have heard of the "sleep wave" technique as a way to help your newborn sleep. The sleep wave technique involves soothing your newborn to sleep, then gently waking them up just before they enter into a deep sleep cycle. This can help prevent them from waking up during the night and can lead to longer stretches of sleep. Here are a few tips for using the sleep wave technique with your newborn:

  1. Observe your newborn's sleep patterns: Pay attention to your newborn's sleep patterns and try to identify when they are entering into a deep sleep cycle. This is usually indicated by slower breathing and a relaxed body.

  2. Gently wake your newborn before they enter into a deep sleep cycle: Once you've identified when your newborn is about to enter into a deep sleep cycle, gently wake them up by speaking softly to them or lightly tickling their feet.

  3. Soothe your newborn back to sleep: Once your newborn is awake, gently soothe them back to sleep by rocking them, patting them, or singing to them.

  4. Repeat the process: Repeat the process of gently waking your newborn and soothing them back to sleep every time they enter into a deep sleep cycle.

It's important to keep in mind that every baby is different and the sleep wave technique may not work for all newborns. It's also important to be mindful of your newborn's needs and to never force them to stay awake if they are tired. If you have any concerns about using the sleep wave technique or if it's not working for your newborn, it's always a good idea to consult with your pediatrician.

Tip 8: Consider using a baby sleep app

The benefits of using a baby sleep app for newborns

You may be wondering about the benefits of using a baby sleep app. Baby sleep apps can be a useful tool for helping newborns sleep and for establishing healthy sleep habits. Here are a few benefits of using a baby sleep app for newborns:

  1. Customizable sounds: Baby sleep apps often come with a variety of sounds that can be customized to your newborn's preferences. This can include white noise, calming sounds, or nature sounds.

  2. Timers: Many baby sleep apps come with timers that allow you to set the duration of the sounds. This can be helpful in ensuring that the sounds aren't played for too long or too loudly.

  3. Sleep tracking: Some baby sleep apps come with sleep tracking features that allow you to track your newborn's sleep patterns and duration. This can be helpful in identifying patterns and potential issues.

  4. Expert advice: Some baby sleep apps also offer expert advice on sleep-related issues and strategies for promoting sleep. This can be a valuable resource for new parents.

It's important to keep in mind that every baby is different and what works for one may not work for another. It's also important to be mindful of your newborn's needs and to never use a baby sleep app as a substitute for proper supervision.

How to choose the right baby sleep app for your newborn

Here are a few tips to consider when choosing a baby sleep app:

  1. Look for apps with customizable sounds: Choose a baby sleep app that offers a variety of sounds that can be customized to your newborn's preferences. This can include white noise, calming sounds, or nature sounds.

  2. Check for a timer feature: A timer feature can be helpful in ensuring that the sounds aren't played for too long or too loudly.

  3. Consider sleep tracking capabilities: Some baby sleep apps come with sleep tracking features that allow you to track your newborn's sleep patterns and duration. This can be helpful in identifying patterns and potential issues.

  4. Look for expert advice: Some baby sleep apps offer expert advice on sleep-related issues and strategies for promoting sleep. This can be a valuable resource for new parents.

  5. Read reviews: Before downloading a baby sleep app, take the time to read reviews from other parents to get an idea of what works and what doesn't.

Remember, every baby is different and what works for one may not work for another. It's important to pay attention to your newborn's cues and to never use a baby sleep app as a substitute for proper supervision.

Tip 9: Don't be afraid to ask for help

The importance of seeking help when struggling with newborn sleep

It's important to remember that this is normal and that seeking help is a sign of strength, not weakness. Here are a few reasons why it's important to seek help when struggling with newborn sleep:

  1. Lack of sleep can affect your mental and physical health: Lack of sleep can have a negative impact on your mental and physical health, including increasing the risk of depression and impairing your ability to think and function. Seeking help can help improve your overall well-being.

  2. There may be underlying issues: If you're struggling with your newborn's sleep, there may be underlying issues that need to be addressed. Seeking help can help identify and address these issues, leading to better sleep for both you and your newborn.

  3. It's normal to have questions and concerns: As a new parent, it's normal to have questions and concerns about your newborn's sleep. Seeking help can provide you with the support and guidance you need to navigate these challenges.

There are many resources available for seeking help with newborn sleep, including pediatricians, lactation consultants, and sleep consultants. Don't be afraid to reach out for support when you need it. Remember, seeking help is a sign of strength and can lead to better sleep for both you and your newborn.

Tip 10: Get help from a professional

Becoming a new parent is undoubtedly one of the most joyous experiences in life but it’s no secret that along with this comes its own unique set of challenges – particularly around sleep. Whether you have days where your baby struggles to stay asleep, nights when they wake every hour or even just difficulties creating newborn sleep habits, it can be an incredibly overwhelming and draining experience. But don't worry - you are not alone! It may seem like there aren't any solutions but rest assured that seeking help from others who understand your situation can make a huge difference in tackling the issue at hand. In this blog post, we'll discuss why asking for assistance concerning newborn sleep is so important and how to do it effectively.

  1. Pediatrician: Your pediatrician can provide valuable information and guidance on newborn sleep and can help identify and address any underlying issues.

  2. Lactation consultant: If you're breastfeeding your newborn, a lactation consultant can provide guidance on how to establish a healthy breastfeeding routine and how to address any sleep-related issues that may arise.

  3. Sleep consultant: Sleep consultants specialize in helping families establish healthy sleep habits and can provide tailored guidance on how to improve your newborn's sleep.

  4. Online support groups: There are many online support groups for new parents, including groups specifically focused on newborn sleep. These groups can provide a sense of community and a source of support and advice.

  5. Books and articles: There are many books and articles available on newborn sleep, including those written by experts in the field. These can be a useful resource for learning more about newborn sleep and finding strategies that may work for your newborn.

  6. Baby sleep apps: Baby sleep apps can be a useful tool for helping newborns sleep and for establishing healthy sleep habits. Look for apps that offer customizable sounds, timers, sleep tracking capabilities, and expert advice.

  7. Parenting forums: Parenting forums can be a helpful resource for getting advice and support from other parents who have gone through similar experiences.

  8. Baby sleep-specific websites: There are many websites specifically focused on baby sleep that offer a wealth of information and resources for parents.

  9. Sleep clinics: Some hospitals and medical centers offer sleep clinics that can provide specialized guidance on newborn sleep.

  10. Private sleep consultants: Private sleep consultants offer personalized guidance on newborn sleep and can work with families in a one-on-one setting.

Try Shhh | Baby Sleep App

Sleep is the most important part of your baby's day, and you need some rest yourself. Shhh is a baby sleep app for iPhone that helps babies in all stages; infants, newborns, and toddlers sleep faster with relaxing baby sleep sounds. All baby sleep sounds are designed to be gentle on little ears, so your baby doesn't keep waking up again, again and again. So you can enjoy the peace of quiet yourself.

Access to all sleep sounds, designed to help babies sleep faster. 40+ high-quality sounds, 6 relaxing categories of soothing sleep sounds, and lullabies. Find the perfect sleep sound for your baby. Comforting sounds of a mother’s womb, white noise, lullabies, brown noise, nature sounds, and even a vacuum cleaner.


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